Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Which is the best tablet?

2011 is the year of the tablet pc. Various tablet products are popping up this year. Tablet manufacturers try to make their best products. From the tablets with a fast processor, slim design and low price. In addition, the tablets also use different operating systems such as IOS, BlackBerry and Android. This time I will discuss about which is the best tablet in 2011.

Some of the media world, trying to rank which one is the best tablet according to their version. Some tablets are nominated are:

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1

1. These Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1
These Tablet is a tablet PC with Android 3.0 Honeycomb operating system with 10.1-inch touch screen support. Powered by 1 GHz dual core processor with the support of 16/32GB internal memory options. These Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is also equipped with an 8 megapixel camera with 1080p HD video recording capability, front 2 megapixel camera, 3G support with HSDPA, 21 Mbps HSUPA, 5.76 
Mbps, WiFi a / b / g / n, Bluetooth, and A-GPS .

Apple iPad 2
2. Apple iPad 2
Tablet that has a thin and lightweight design is widely imitated by other companies. These tablets have a fast processor and works on 3G and Wifi networks. The tablet has a front camera for video chatting, HDMI port, USB, and SD Card. The tablet is able to improve products and boost sales of Apple's stock.

Asus Eee Prime Transformer Pad

3. Asus Eee Prime Transformer Pad
This tablet uses quad-core chip NVIDIA Tegra 3 and is the world's first tablet that uses a quad-core processors.

4. Sony Tablet S
Sony Tablet S
These Sony Tablets has a 9.4 inch screen resolution of 1280x768 pixels and run Android OS 3.1 Honeycomb has advantages compared to other products because it is integrated with PlayStation games.

So, for users of tablet, which is the best?

Sunday, December 25, 2011

This is why Android is very popular


A few days ago I wrote an article about the existence of a desktop computer. This time I will discuss about why Andoid become a very popular operating system.

Started when Google bought Android inc. led by Andy Rubin. Once purchased, Google's Andy Rubin directly appointed as Vice Precident of Engineering Android affairs, because according to Google he was the one who best understand about Android.

In a presentation he stated two points why the Android OS should be made. The first reason, because the world needs an operating system Open Source. So it will attract a lot of developers to participate in developing a variety of handsets.

The second one, Andy Rubin said that Google is the giant of IT and have the ability. Google must act so taht, later communication and information systems are not only controlled by one company alone. Consumers must make a choice and the will making  a various systems.

And it is true, for four years the Android graphic is always increasing. Hundreds of thousands of devices Andrioid activated every day. So many Android-based devices developed at this time. Android suitable for use in a wide range of devices. Starting  from the screen size, processor speed, the input method, network and the presence or absence of  cameras.

This is exactly what causes Android is very succesful on the market. Android continuously make improvements and adding new features in their systems. Since 2009 Android has released  seven generation of Android  that are Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb and Ice Cream Sandwiches.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Desktop Computers Are Still Irreplaceable

Dekstop Computer

How many of you all who are still using a desktop computer?. Perhaps only a few of you that still use the desktop computer. But did you know that desktop computers are still not replaced.

Last few years more rapidly evolving computer technology. Various manufacturers are competing to create the advanced technology on their computer peripheral products. Especially when the need for increasingly mobile device, portable computer becomes a very important requirement everywhere. Starting from students, teachers, professors, businessmen and even ordinary users, are using this device. 

Various types of portable computers appeared. Not only end there, these developments also led to portable computer users are divided into specific segments such as gamers, businesses and others. So the laptop specs are also very diverse.

After the invasion of portable computers, today a new variant of computer also being exploded in the market that is the tablet pc. Manufacturers of computer back compete to create a quality tablet. The rapid development are also supported by the Android operating system that is open source so that more computer manufacturers to accelerate their product development.

How the fate of Desktop Computer?
If we look at the offices, we still find a lot of desktop computer users. No servers using a laptop moreover the tablet. They still use a desktop computer.

Laptops and tablets are used by those who have high mobility and have a dependency on Internet access. While desktop computers are computers used in the static computing process.
So every type of computer already has a certain segment that adapts to user needs.

Over the computation using such ways in offices and require high-performance, desktop computers will still be the choice. For laptops and tablets will only be part of the lifestyle in the future that unable replace the desktop computer.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Computers of the Future?

Not so long ago you surely have to heard how the iPhone can interact with users through an application called "Siri"?. Siri is thesoftware used in the iOS that is able to translate of human natural language. So this application is able to answer user questions,make decisions and carry out orders given by the user.

If you are a fan of console games like XBox, may be know theKinect?. Kinect is an input device that allows you to interact with the XBox, through movement and speech without having to touch the game controller. These devices use a webcam as sesor that is able reading the user's movements and speech.

This is a pioneering of development future computer more advanced. Computers in the future will be able to interact with humans through sesnors installed on a computer of coursecombined with artificial intelligence. Thus, the computer will bevery flexible in terms of interacting with humans.

In terms of screen display, 3D display has now been developedwhich will be further developed. As we know, using 3D graphics,will give a more tangible view.

Everything will be more flexible and efficient. Future computerswill be integrated with cell phones and GPS. With an increasingly developed technology, we will be able to controlcomputers remotely. One of them is locked the house door from a distance, as an alarms, predicting the weather and others.Thus human work will further replaced by the computer.

Even now the researchers began to develop a computer technology that can be controlled by mind. Hopefully everything will become a reality.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The phenomenon of Tablet PC

Tablet PC is a computer device that has been pioneered since the 1980s when the touch screen technology developed. 10 years ago, tablet PC have been estimated by IT experts such as Bill Gates. In 2010, precisely in April, Apple launching a very phenomenal iPad. This product bring a lot of controversy and many argue that this product will not be sold on the market. But some argue that the iPad is a new breakthrough because this product is considered raises new trends in the computer world.

During 2010, Apple managed to sell millions of units of the iPad. This makes some big companies like Samsung and BlackBerry follow the Apple by launch a similar tablet. Research In Motion, based in Canada launched the BlackBerry Playbook while the Samsung issued Galaxy Tab based on Android, the fairly young OS.

Android is a Google's open source operating system previously intended for smartphones. Because of the Android OS, a lot of electronics manufacturers participated by launching tablet PC such as Motorola, Sony, HTC and others. Of course they use the compatible OS for tablet PC starting from the Honeycomb version.

The tablet PC market segment as if divided into two namely Apple and Android. Apple iPad with Apple's native OS, iOS, offering thousands of unique and interesting applications for its users. While Android provides 50% free application that can be obtained in the Android market. Advantages and disadvantages of each product will determine which products are in accordance with the user.

Now more and more products are emerging. LG Optimus Pad with 3D technology on its display, which is currently the 3D era began to spread to various multimedia segments, strting from film to gaming, the technology is now found on the Android tablet from LG, with this feature you will find the menu display that seemed to soar out of the screen, as well as a variety of games that you play with this Optimus Pad, you can enjoy it without 3D glasses .

HTC with Magic Pen Flyer , you can make your personal records while you're browsing or reading e-Book without exiting the app is concerned, this innovative Magic Pen can also be used as markers at the same time as you write on a pad or book .

BlackBerry with Playbook, although the OS does not use the Android OS and use the Blackberry's own OS, but this tablet also has advantages that make it can to compete to other tablets, that is the connectivity and synchronization from the Playbook Blackberry with Blackberry Phone devices.

With many tablet PCs are popping up indicating that the tablet PC era has begun. How long the popularity of tablet PC will last?

Google Set a iPad 2 Competitor

Google Nexus Tab

After launched the Galaxy Nexus, Google will launch Nexus tablet the next few months. It Seems Google will be  back to compete with Apple's popularity.

"In the next six months we have plans to market a tablet with the best quality". Said the Executive Chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt when he was in Italy.

Actually, now Google has control of the development of Motorola Xoom after Google acquired Motorola Mobility. But this tablet
can not compete with Apple iPad Popularity .

In the smartphone market, Google has launched the Galaxy Nexus that in cooperation with Samsung and now become
the toughest competitor of iPhone. With the launch of the tablet, the competition between Android and Apple will be increasingly heated.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Windows 8 Introduce Touch-Based Login

Microsoft introduce touch-based logins on their latest Operating System, Windows 8. The login system will use the images on a touch screen device.

Users can access the device by touching the image correctly. The touch will be the code that replaces passwords.

Process of typing a password with the combination uppercase and lowercase letters will be difficult in touchscren device. So with the presence of a new login system will allow users to access the device easily.

This login system will use the images chosen by the user then touch a particular part of the picture. The users just have to tap, make a line, or circling the the picture that will be the replace the text-based password . Sequence of signal from the starting position and the final position is the key to unlock the device.

Technicians from Microsoft, Z. Pace said that tests showed that users of image-based system allows access to a portable gadget that exceeds the speed of text-based passwords.

He stressed that the system will work all text passwords better than replacing them. If the user fails, he must move your body 5 times correctly in a row. Then the user will be prompted to set up a password like when you first use the device.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Kindle Fire, Cheap Tablet From Amazon

Amazon finally really issued its first tablet, Kindle Fire. This 7-inch tablet uses the Android Operating System that has been modified as well as using a dual core processor. Kindle Fire is used for displaying their mainstay product.

 Kindle uses the old operating system Android is actually intended for smartphones. But the Kindle uses a different interface.

Interesting things Fire of the launch of Kindle is because the price is cheap. a Kindle Fire sold for U.S. $ 199 only. But it cost to manufacture one unit of   Kindle
Fire is U.S. $ 210. So every sale of   Kindle Fire, Amazon lost about U.S. $ 10.

Where does Amazon make a profit?

Kindle Fire is designed to market their mainstay product. Although the loss in terms of  Kindle device sales, profits will come from sales of their digital content services.

With low prices and support content, Kindle Fire will be a serious rival for manufacturers such as Apple's tablet. But the Kindle Fire has some shortagesuch as, does not have a camera, microphone and does not have 3G access and data storage capacity is only 8 GB. However, Amazon provides an online storage freely for storing movies, books and music.

How the Future of Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is a term in which information is permanently stored in servers on the Internet and temporarily stored on the user or client computer such as desktop, tablet computers, notebooks, wall computers, handhelds, sensors, monitors and others. Cloud Computing is the combined use of computer technology (computing) and the development of Internet-based (cloud). The cloud is metefora from the internet, which is often depicted as clouds in computer network diagrams.

The initial idea of ​​cloud computing comes from a computing expert from MIT named John McCarthy in the 1960s. He stated that one day computing will be a public infrastructure such as electricity and telephones. Then in 1995, Larry Ellison led to the idea "Network Computing" as a campaign to sue Microsoft when it dominates desktop computing.

Larry Ellison stated user does not actually need software such as operating systems and other software running on their desktop pc. Later this idea can be realized in the early 21st century when it was discovered various techniques in software development and Internet capacity.

Nowadays more and more rapid development of the digital world. In 2010, all data stored in the world is 1.2 Zettabyte and will be 30 years 2020.Dengan Zettabyte on such developments required a special technique that is able megatasi computational problems.

The advantages of cloud computing include ease of access, flexible, large storage, saving cost and energy efficient. Cloud computing also has shortcomings such as the Internet connection should be sufficient, undoubtedly data security and quality issues server.

Looking at developments in the computing world is very rapid, cloud computing is a solution of computational problems to be faced. With so many advantages of cloud computing is that cloud computing will also be growing. Shortage faced will be minimized with a variety of infrastructure improvements and techniques used.

RIM Pending The Launch of QNX Platform

RIM OS, QNX, which will be used on their BlackBerry is expected to be a weapon to compete with the iPhone, Anroid and Windows Phone. But it seems have to delaying the launch of RIM BlackBerry 10 which uses the QNX operating system because it is still not able to meet the needs of the chip to be used on the latest BlackBerry.

Quoted from the pages of The Telegraph, RIM was forced to delay the launch of their latest BlackBerry for reasons not yet able to meet the needs of the chip for the BlackBerry. In addition, the BlackBerry 10 will be introduced in late 2012 though RIM will be launching the BlackBerry targeting in March.

Chief Executive of RIM, Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazardis said that they needed time to realize the platform changes they did, but they sure have the ability to lead the telecommunications industry.

Some analysts expect a delay the launch of the BlackBerry-based QNX will raise pressure on RIM.

RIM previously considered disappointing investors for failing to satisfying sales targets between 11 to 12 million mobile phones in the quarter this Christmas. Whereas last year managed to sell 14.8 mobile phones.

Read Also:

RIM Has Not Meet the Requirements Proposed by Indonesian Government

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Samsung's Popularity Exceeds Apple


Besides compete tightly on the court, Samsung products also compete with Apple. Now Samsung has passed Apple's popularity.

Based on conducted by YouGov's survey, Samsung's popularity began to beat Apple since December 8, 2011.

YouGov evaluate advertising Samsung's Galaxy S II queue satirical iPhone 4S as the factors that most influence the popularity of Apple. The ad release 22 November to 1 December.

Apple's popularity began to decline since late November. Previously Apple's Buzz Score is 33 now only 25. End of november, Samsung's Buzz Score is now only 19 26.

In the Galaxy S II's ad, titled "Next Big Thing", Samsung is satirical Apple's fanboy who would stand in long line for the the iPhone 4S. In fact, according to Samsung's ads, the iPhone 4S does not have a lot of changes. Even the iPhone
4S does not support the 4G technologies, like those of the Galaxy S II

Friday, December 16, 2011

Nokia Launches Windows Phone

Before Apple launched the iPhone, Nokia is the ruler in phone sales. Nokia is now trying to win the market by launching a mobile based on Windows operating system.

The launch of this smartphone is the first time since Nokia collaborates with  Windows operating system maker, Microsoft.

The launch of smartphone was carried out in  "Nokia World" arena, 26-27 October 2011 in London. In this event, Nokia launched three new smartphones known as 800, Ace and Sabre.

For Asia Pacific markets, launching conducted in Singapore on December 7, 2011. The launched phone are named Lumia 800 and Lumia 710.

Both of these phones are using an operating system called Windows Phone 7.5 known as Mango OS. In addition both of these phones will use the Micro SIM Card as used iPhone.

The main feature brought by Nokia Lumia 800 and
Lumia 710 is the Mango OS, 1.4 GHz processor, 3.7-inch touch screen, People Hub, Outlook Mobile, Market Place, Xbox Live Hub, full Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer 9, and other. Besides, the features that Microsoft presented, two Lumia is also equipped with specialized applications that are only present in Nokia smart phone, the Nokia Drive for navigation, Nokia Maps and Nokia Music. The difference between the two types of Lumia is situated on the wrapping material, the type of screen, internal memory, and camera quality.

In addition to launching a Windows-based phones, Nokia also will continue to launch a Symbian mobile phone. Nokia is not going to abandon Symbian and will try to grab his prime with Symbian as it was before the emergence of the iPhone and Android phone.

Sony Ericsson Owned By Sony Completely

Sony Ericsson is a joint venture between Japanese Corporation, Sony with Ericsson AB from Sweden. This company has been established since 2001 ago. This company is a leading mobile phone manufacturers, Sony Ericsson.

At the beginning they was quite successful market their products. But the last five years they have trouble to following the market trends so that the sales decline. In 2007 they managed to sell 103 million units of mobile phones and last year only able to sell 43 million units.

Sony wants to have the company fully by buying 50 percent Ericsson's stake in the Sony Ericsson company with a value of U.S. $ 1.5 Billion.

Thus, Sony will produce independently of their products such as tablet PCs, gaming consoles, smartphones, televisions and other products. Previously, mobile phones production are made separately by Sony Ericsson.

By the ownership of Ericsson, Sony is also entitled to intellectual property licensing company that allows them to use those patents to develop their tablet products, especially in the field of wireless communications.

If Sony really wants to split up, Ericsson will be back in sales and service of wireless transmission business that they do from the first.The acquisition process is expected to be completed in early 2012.

iPad 3 Will Be Launched In March 2012

After some time ago Apple launched the iPhone 4S and the iPad 2 , Apple will re-release of its newest product by launch the iPad 3. Fans of Apple products are very enthusiastic waiting for the launch of the product. Perhaps this is the way of Apple in marketing their products.

From DigiTimes report, Apple has sent of these tablets component for the making of iPad 3 supplies to Apple's partner. Another indication is the reduction of production of the Apple iPad 2.

But this does not mean that sales of iPad 2 will decrease. Some analysts estimate sales of iPad 2 will remain stable between 14-15 million units in the December quarter. Production will be reduced gradually to 4-5 million units in early 2012.

Apple's closest competitor, Samsung, seems to be working hard to be able to compete with Apple. Both of these tablet computer manufacturers had clashed around the world such as Europe and Australia. Let's wait what steps Samsung take when Apple iPad 3 was released. This product is expected to begin production in January and launched in March 2012.

Looks like Apple is very astute in terms of marketing their products. Apple often create a buzz and surprises like the launch of the iPhone 4S. Apple products are very enthusiastic fans waiting for the launch of the product. Perhaps this is the way Apple in marketing their products.

The launch of the Apple iPad 3 seems also will present the same phenomenon when it launched the iPhone 4S. The public will be intrigued by the presence of these tablets. So, for fans of Apple's tablet, from now on you have to set aside ypur money to be able to have these tablets.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Microsoft Appoints New Leader In Windows Phone Division

MICROSOFT Corp. appointed Tery Myerson as new Leader In Windows Phone Division which previously lead by Andy Lees since 2009.

That shift Announcement was revealed through a letter sent by Microsoft Chief Executive Officer, Steve Ballmer for all of Microsoft employees on Monday.

The appointment of new leadership is part of a strategy to strengthen their existence in the computer market and competitive business smartphone.

Lees will occupy a new position and responsible to the computer business and mobile phone. Until his appointment as Chief of Windows Phone Division, Myerson is involved in technical fields in the division. With his new position, he will be responsible on a Windows Phone business development, marketing and other business functions.

"In his new position, Lees will work to maximize the opportunities and focus to deliver maximum impact in the year 2012 with Windows products Phone and Windows 8," Ballmer said in his letter, as quoted by Reuters, December 13, 2011.

Still, Ballmer does not specify what position will be held by Lees or the name of his new position.

Windows operating system is the software most widely used for computers. However, Microsoft is also not to be outdone by Google and Apple are playing on the platform for smartphones that support the Internet. Since then, Microsoft has struggled to get in the business market for smartphone operating system. (Reuters/Noy/X-13)

Microsoft Windows is the most used operating system in the computer world. But this company failed to take a role in smartphone business. For now, Google Android and Apple iOS are still dominating the Internet-based smartphone business.

Applications For Bloggers

For the bloggers, now there is a very easy way to publish your posting from anywhere and anytime.

This application is named BlogAway. BlogAway available for users of Android, iPhone and the iPad. With this application, bloggers can publish their posts are equipped with pictures, labels and add locations. Users can also view a list of posts that are stored or published. This application also allows users who have more than one blog, because it can easily move from one blog to another blog.

Other advantages is that users can share posts through social networks like Facebook and Twitter, Comment Systems, Automatic Storage and friendly interface.

Blogger Applications feature on the iPhone or android

* Select the account / blog if you have more than one.
* Include a picture from the gallery or by taking pictures directly from the app
* Add labels
* Adding location information
* Save as draft or publish directly
* See the list of posts saved / published

If you are a blogger who uses the Android or the iPhone, you can try the application.
Just download it from here if you are Android user and here for iPhone user.

RIM Has Not Meet the Requirements Proposed by Indonesian Government

RIM only meet three of the four conditions proposed by Indonesia in order to the Blackberry service can be resumed in Indonesia.

These requirements are to facilitate wiretapping according to the laws applied in Indonesia, blocking negative content such as pornographic content, build sales service centers and build Network Aggregator.

The demand are not met by RIM is building Network Aggregator. instead RIM build a router in Singapore. Indonesian Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (BRTI) then gives an disappointment note to RIM regarding the construction of Network Aggregator in Indonesia.

Indonesia Telecommunication Regulatory Agency then recommends to the government through the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, to stop the BlackBerry Internet service if it does not qualify aggregator network development in Indonesia.

According to the Minister of Communications and Information Tifatul Sembiring, the construction of Network Aggregator is a provision of Act No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions.

He said that if RIM just want to sell phone products only, they will be treated the same as other manufacturers such as Nokia, Samsung and others. But because also sells the Blackberry internet service, then it will be governed by the applicable provisions.

Looks like RIM is not ignoring the request of the Indonesian Government . For RIM, the people of Indonesia has a high dependence on the Blackberry service so that they feel in control over the services they see themselves in Indonesia.

Indonesia is a potential market for RIM. And if these demands are not well met, the Indonesian government will take immediate action and the decision to wait for government regulations. If government regulation is issued, RIM will have problems marketing the Blackberry services in Indonesia.
nesia is a potential market for RIM. and if these demands are not well met, the Indonesian government will take immediate action and the decision to wait for government regulations. If government regulation is issued, RIM will have marketing problems to sell services in Indonesia.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Blackberry certificate will be frozen in Indonesia

Depkominfo will freeze the certificate tool of communication devices Ditjen Postel ever published for all product brands issued by RIM Blackberry.

Therefore, the certificate holder for the Blackberry product will not be able melakukat temporary importation of these products. Freezing is done until there are commitment and disbursement of the warranty and after sales service establishment Blackberry products in Indonesia.

Directorate General Postel had a meeting with the RIM to discuss a plan for opening offices in Indonesia after sales service. RIM asked for time to conduct a study to determine the suitability of a branch office which was considered the most fit in Indonesia but until now there is no such certainty.

However, it decided it can no longer extend the attitude of flexibility due to the growth of the BlackBerry has been pretty sharp improvement in Indonesia. "Directorate General Postel has been to give enough tolerance to RIM," he said.

These efforts according to Gatot, also an indirect form of protection from Directorate General Postel to RIM to anticipate a time when adverse conditions occur due to the emergence of legal action from the public due to poor after-sales service.

Especially with reference to Consumer Protection Law that requires businesses (in this case trade BlackBerry products) to obey Among the items Section 4 (h) which states, that the rights of the consumer is entitled to any compensation, damages and / or replacement, if goods and / or services received are not in accordance with the agreement or not as it should.

He stressed, Directorate General Postel, Ministry of Communications and Informatics, still emphasizes the essence of transparency, objectivity, and anti-collusion. Gatot asserts, the public be allowed to monitor the implementation of the decision. "This decision is also still considering the investment climate and also cooperation and trade relations with Canada that Indonesia actually quite harmonious and constructive," he said.

Therefore, he said, if RIM will realize the commitment, then the Administrator will revoke the decision.

However, according to him, the decision to issue the BlackBerry is forced to take because it is a manifestation of the compliance and consistency of implementation of regulations. "To the citizens who already have and will buy a BlackBerry product be assured, that they can still use the BlackBerry," he said.

Gatot stressed that people buy a device that has been certified, labeled, and not a black market product.

Sued by Aplle, Samsung Galaxy Tab Increasingly Popular

Apple lawsuit against Samsung Galaxy Tab in Australia it's not detrimental to Samsung, but it makes Samsung Galaxy Tab more popular

Samsung has just won in Australian court over Apple . Apple accused by Apple that Samsung stealing their patents on product design in smartphones and tablet computers Galaxy series. But the judge rejected the lawsuit and Samsung declared victorious.

this causes Samsung Galaxy Tab should be sold in Australia. This also causes the Samsung has a bigger name. Apple previously tried to convince the court to ban Samsung Galaxy Tab but They failed.

As quoted by Australian media, Current.com, quoting an official statement of Samsung, Samsung's Head of Marketing Australia, Lambro Skropidis, resigned from today. But the pullback Skropidis unknown reasons, which occupied the office since 2008.

When Skropidis served as Head of Marketing, Samsung recorded an increase of understanding the research community about Samsung products rose to 55 percent. Not only that, the numbers will reference Samsung products even reach 140 percent.

As quoted from the pages of the BBC, research conducted by Strategy Analytics show, Samsung has done as much as 27.8 million smartphone shipments of smartphones in the three month period. Apple only 17.1 million, while the Nokia 16.8 million.

Apple is expected to decline in shipments because consumers are also awaiting the launch of Apple's latest smartphone, the iPhone 4S.

Foad Fadaghi, telecommunications analyst in Australia agreed that media coverage raised the name of that iPad competitors. But not necessarily going to affect in sales.

"Consumers will evaluate the usefulness of such devices, especially the price comparison. Galaxy Tab Android tablet is worth the premium and consumer products with sometimes reluctant to pay the same price as the iPad," he said.

samsung will remain popular in Australia and be the runner-up under the apple in terms of sales of tablet computers

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Newest Blackberry In 2012 Will Be Launched In Indonesia

For fans of electronic gadgets, year 2012 is the year's most awaited. 2012 will be the year that many of the latest technology installed on some of the most popular gadgets such as smartphones, tablets, and game consoles.

In 2012, RIM will launch two of their newest blackberry.
The second gadget is named BlackBerry Bellagio and Orlando.

Following the trend of touch screen phones, blackberry certainly dont want to miss from manufacturers such as Apple's iPhone and Samsung. After the success of the series Torch as an improvement of Odin, and Blackberry Storm, one of the latest blackberry phones this is a new generation of touch screens for the Curve series that were previously only issued a series of Gemini, Kepler, and Onyx.

Orlando or Touch Curve 9380 comes with a display this stylish, elegant, thin, and full touch screen. Compared with the Torch, Touch Curve 9380 this time made ​​lighter with the 3.2-inch screen and 360 × 480 screen resolution. For the camera, the latest blackberry phones are equipped with a 5MP camera with HD recording support for the cam and of course a higher OS. As for the data connection is equipped with 3G. For memory, this phone will be equipped with 512 MB ​​of RAM and memory cards up to 32 Gb.

Blackberry phones while Bellagio is the latest blackberry series of Blackberry Bold 9790 Bold with a name. The phone is equipped with a combination touch screen and QWERTY keyboard. For OS, the phone will use the OS 7 (latest) with an internal memory of 8 GB.

The second series will be launched blackberry first time in Indonesia. Since Indonesia is a country that has the highest sales level in the world of Blackberry.

Panasonic Prepare An Android Smartphone

Panasonic announced it will again present in the cellular market. These manufacturers will market the smartphone in March 2012, especially in European markets.

These Japanese manufacturer plans to sell more mobile phones series around the world . Panasonic will use this gadgets such as a trigger to obtain greater revenue for the company.

Their first smartphone is an android smartphone with OLED touch screen and 4.3 inch screen size. The design used by Panasonic called the "D-formfactor". Panasonic claimed this smartphone is waterproof and dustproof.

According to analysts, the smartphone's minimalist design is quite unique and different from other Android smartphones. From the side view, the product is called a combination of the iPod nano and Zune HD.

In terms of targets, Panasonic hopes to sell at least 1.5 million units of such products in the next year. And in 2016, they are targeting to be able to sell 15 million units of smartphones per year.

"Using this smartphone as a reference model, we will expand our product line so that the sale of 1.5 million units of smartphones in Europe in the coming fiscal year could be achieved," said a spokeswoman for Panasonic, as quoted by Smart Company, Tuesday, December 13, 2011.

Company spokesman said, in 2016 they are targeting sales of 15 million units of mobile phones. 9 million units in europe, asia da America. 6 million units in Japan and 5 million of them are smartphones

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